To My Son, R.D.

From the day you were born I remember how you cared so much about every living thing. You were so sensitive and your eyes constantly radiated all the joy and goodness in your heart and in your actions. As you grew into a pride full young lad you quickly became your own person with independent ideas and doing things your own way.

My Son, I have always known that you are an extremely sensitive young man with a heart full of love, but you so rarely show these emotions. Sometimes I talk to you and I am not really sure what you are thinking. It is so important to let your feelings be known. I hope you don’t think that you always have to be strong and decisive. Your softer side should be brought to the surface more often so other people can see the entire you. Never be afraid to be honest with people and certainly never be afraid to be honest with yourself.  You’re such an interesting, sensitive, intelligent person who has so much to share. You are one of the nicest, sweetest child I know and I pray you will always be the strong person that you are now. I am so proud of the person you are becoming.

My Son,  Lately I have been noticing a change in you. You seem to care more about how other people feel. You seem to be concerned with how you treat other people. You are acting more sure of yourself. You seem to be pursuing your own goals with more energy and enthusiasm. I am so delighted with the direction that your life is going, the decisions you make and the actions you are taking. No matter how grown up you might be, there will be times when one will make mistakes, feels lost or confused. When those times occur I will be always here to encourage you, to talk with you, to support you and to love you. To see you smiling, to see you happy, to see you peaceful is what makes me proud. As I reflect on your development over the last few years, your strength of convictions and your delight and excitement with life, I realize that my prayers for you have come true. As you try out new things and take new paths while creating the life you want to lead, remember that I am always behind you in everything you do, proud and happy and full of love for you.

My Son,  I pray you always make your decisions on the basis on what you know is right, regardless of what your peers or other people think. I hope you always remember that you don’t need to join the crowd in order to be happy. I hope you always remain the very self-contained person that you are now. These qualities will lead you to happiness and success in whatever you do. I pray that you always keep your wonderful attitude that whatever happens in your life happens for the best. I pray that you are always truly happy and thankful for whatever you have and that you never care about what you do not have. You are a very rare person and I am so proud to have you as my son. You cannot imagine how happy you make me when I do not have to worry about you. You are everything a proud father could wish for. I want you to know that wherever you go, or whatever you do, or whatever you think, or whatever happens in the future I will always be rooting for your happiness and success, and you can always depend on my love, understanding and support.

My Son, it seems like just a little while ago when you sat in my lap and smiled at me for the first time. I loved you so much then and though you are older now and living your dreams and pursuing your own goals, I still look at your beautiful smile to know that things are all right with you. I feel so fortunate to have you for a son and I love you even more today. Not only are you the best son in the world but you are also my best friend. I am so proud of you my son, and I  love you always and forever.

Poem by Robert Sexton

Whatever dreams you follow;
however far you fly;
you’ll never be alone, my boy,
on earth or sea or sky.
My heart will travel with you,
’til all your dreams are done,
Then guide you safely home again:
My child, my lad, My Son.
Christmas 2005

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