Daily Archives: April 10, 2022

Bride Trafficking 

Christian Pakistani women are “sold” as brides to Chinese men, and end up as victims of abuse, are forced to prostitution, and even (some claim) killed for organ harvesting.

The case of a mother of eight children found chained in Jiangsu, a victim of human trafficking, was the most commented news item in China in February and March. It gathered more comments on social media than the war in Ukraine. Netizens, before their posts were systematically cancelled by the authorities, shared horrific stories of how human traffickers, often with the complicity of CCP officers, sell women to villagers affected by the shortage of brides resulting from the old ill-fated Chinese one-child policy. When one child only was allowed, particularly in rural areas, families preferred a boy and aborted the girls, with the result that brides are now a scarce commodity.

Read more at “China and Pakistan, Partners in Crime?”

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