Daily Archives: April 20, 2022

Color Revolution

The Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission warns that a Ukraine-style anti-Party “color revolution” may erupt in Chinese cities at all time.

With citizens in Shanghai and elsewhere increasingly hostile to the COVID-19 quarantine, the real estate crisis negatively affecting many Chinese, Netizens openly ridiculing the official pro-Russian narrative of the war in Ukraine, and continuing protests against the government’s handling of the human trafficking case of the “chained mother of eight” in Jiangsu, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) starts being mightily scared that “color revolutions” may erupt in China as they once did in Eastern Europe. In fact, in the language of Xi Jinping, “color revolution” is a generic term for any popular uprising threatening Russian or Chinese interests in any country.

Read more at “COVID-19, Ukraine, Protests: Now the Chinese Communist Party Is Really Scared”

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