Daily Archives: April 28, 2022

April 2022 Update

Chinese people have just entered the “Year of the Tiger,” an animal known for strength, vitality, and courage. Join us in praying for the Chinese church to grow in these areas as well. Pray for more lay people to grow in their faith and help disciple others. Pray for churches to be full of energy as they actively share their faith and see people’s lives changed. Pray that a spirit of courage will permeate churches throughout the city and that Christians will boldly tell of the hope they have in Jesus.

Pray for our seven team couples as they gain new converts and adjust to working with one another and ask that they will be unified in the gospel. Pray for new relationships and opportunities that the Lord will provide this year. Our “Deaf team couple” works carefully to translate God’s written Word into sign languages. It’s a long, discussion based process. Pray for them to have wisdom to translate the Bible stories effectively and truthfully so that many Deaf will understand God’s great love for them. They also spent several days sharing Bible stories with Valerie, her family, and the Deaf who live in her community. Pray that the gospel seeds sown among them will spread and take root.

Mental health is another much-ignored problem in China. In some places, they are treating people with emotional struggles as if they are worthy of shame. Ask the Father for open hearts as our “health teams” strives to help families to engage those around them who have emotional struggles. Ask for patience and grace as we train, encourage, and mobilize the church toward greater kingdom impact in the area of mental health.

Due to fewer jobs in the countryside, migrant workers often move into the city for jobs to help support their family back home. Even with long hours and often unsuitable living conditions, these workers press on. Pray that God will begin to raise up local Christians to reach out to minister to those who are far away from family and need the hope of the gospel. As workers come to know Christ, pray that they themselves will take the good news of Jesus back to their hometown and share with their family and friends so that they too will know the saving power of Christ.

In a season of many closed doors, the Lord has taught us to wait and pray. Over three years ago, I last went to China to support and help our local ministry teams because of the lock-down. As we look back, we could have easily been discouraged that we were not able to do ministry as we had imagined it. Now, we see how the Lord has been preparing the way and orchestrating His purposes all along. Pray for our team members as the serve alongside Chinese brothers and sisters with the long-term goal of reaching the lost.

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