Daily Archives: May 31, 2022

Organ Harvesting

Revelations that live prisoners of conscience are being harvested for their organs come hot on the heels of calls by world medical bodies, to snub the Chinese Medical Association.

Disturbing evidence brought to light this month by a seminal Australian National University (ANU) report that doctors were required to become executioners in the opaque underworld of so-called organ tourism has added more fuel to long held suspicions by world medical bodies, that China is flagrantly breaking every ethical rule in the book and shows no sign of stopping.

Read more at “Organ Harvesting in China: More Evidence, More Protest”

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Filed under chinese culture, workplace insights

George Floyd Case

Unlike in China, where police officers who kill or “disappear” Uyghurs such as Imammemet Ali are not punished, in the U.S. the officer who killed Floyd went to jail.

Whataboutism is becoming a daily shield for China when it confront criticism by western countries, especially by USA over the ongoing Uyghur Genocide. Russia uses the same arguments when accused of atrocities in Ukraine. I urge Chinese and Russian officials to accept the truth. Water is not an effective shield against the sun’s more harmful rays. Although the Russian arguments are similar, I will focus here on China.

Read more at “How China and Russia Manipulate the George Floyd Case: A Uyghur View”

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