A Uyghur Poet

After the Urumqi fire, it is time for the international community to stop the genocide. Perhaps a poem may help.

Introduction by Ruth Ingram: A deadly fire in the Uyghur heartland sparking riots and protests throughout China not seen since Tiananmen, propelled the Chinese government to hastily backtrack over its Zero COVID policy. Aziz Isa Elkun, Uyghur academic and poet, well known to Bitter Winter, describes his own thoughts about the fire and its aftermath. He remembers the sadness of Uyghur exiles like him and the victims’ families, scattered throughout the world for whom “moving on” is not an option. To his poem “Roses” (below), he adds a first verse to remember the Uyghur genocide, but roses that he has planted in his exiled garden remind him that it is still “beautiful to be alive” and to “live in peace in our beautiful world.”

Read more at “Reminds Us that Uyghurs Are Seeking Justice from the World”

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