Daily Archives: April 26, 2024

April 2024 Update

Did you know every two minutes, someone loses their life for their faith? It is unimaginable that fellow believers are being persecuted simply for living out their faith. The statistics are shocking and serve as a reminder of the harsh realities faced by countless Christians in China. We believe it is more crucial than ever for us, as believers, to unite in prayer. Prayer has the power to transcend borders, offering strength to those who desperately need it. We want to pray for their strength, peace, and God’s unwavering protection over them so they may continue to boldly share the gospel, no matter the cost.

Many Chinese believers come from a Buddhist background, and thus discipling is often tailored to help them understand how to minister to new Buddhist converts. The results have been astounding. Our biggest challenge is keeping up with the pace of the Holy Spirit. It’s a disciple-making strategy based on training, mentorship, and meeting needs in the community. Our leaders are taught how to effectively engage, train new disciples in church planting, and disciple others. This has proven to be a God-anointed process that multiplies itself by training disciples to disciple others. The synergy created by this simple method has resulted in a great harvest of souls for the kingdom of God.

Most Chinese believers are first generation Christians. Few have known Jesus for more than 40 years. Many are experiencing deep grief and suffering as a result of war, repressive laws, and natural disasters. Ask God to use their testimonies and provide opportunities for them to share the gospel with their neighbors. Pray for persecuted believers to recall James 1:2-4 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.“ If discovered, they are either sent to atrocious labor camps or executed – and their families will share a similar fate. Christians have no freedom and it’s almost impossible for believers to gather in larger groups these days.

The good news is that it’s not too late for us to repent and to have true, trusting faith in our Heavenly Father! We can ask Him to set us free from doubt and fear so that we may walk hand in hand with Him and be a vessel of life and encouragement to everyone we meet. Severe persecution is underway in many areas we work in. Christians are viewed as enemies of both the leadership and the state. This past year we have noticed that many Christians are becoming increasingly discouraged and anxious, as evil in this world intensified. Pressure is coming from different directions, especially with the rapid increase of invasive technology. Those we serve in China need a supernatural impartation of the Holy Spirit to enable them to overcome and to be more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Please pray for us and our co-workers, as we pray for you, to stand firm in God’s Word and in His grace as we come toward the end of the age.

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