The Reality of Revival

“In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.” (Luke 14:33)

For decades, countless Christian leaders and believers around the world have told us how they long for true revival, and after reading about revival in China, they ask what the secret is for them to have similar experiences in their local communities.

Over time, however, we have come to see that usually what people mean by that question is that they want to adjust a few things in their churches, hoping that will somehow plunge them from lukewarmness into heaven-sent revival. Many have become so accustomed to “faith by numbers” type of teaching, where they are told if they can just get the formula right, revival must come out the other end.

We have found that most Christians who ask us how they can experience the presence and power of God like in China end up disappointed with our answer. They want a simple set of rules to follow, but most have no real appetite for sacrifice or the radical changes needed to see true fire from the Spirit of God fall on them and their congregations.

Genuine revival does not come to Christians with a comfortable “country club” type of faith, but it is a boost of ammunition for soldiers on the front-line who are waging war against Satan’s forces, risking their lives to see God glorified in their society.

As you read about some of the ways the Holy Spirit has shaken China since the 1990s resulting in more than half a million people coming to faith, honestly ask yourself these questions if you would like to see similar results come to your country and church….

Would you be willing to be debased and humbled under the hand of God for many years?

Are you willing to endure extreme hardship, suffering, imprisonment, and possibly death for the Name of Jesus Christ?

Would you agree for all visible representations of your faith – church buildings, pastors, meetings, musical instruments, even your Bibles – to be taken away so all you have left to cling to is Jesus? And to keep clinging to Him for years or even decades?

After being revived, would you agree to zealously go wherever He says and so whatever it takes to reach the lost in your nation and beyond? In short, many want the thrill of living a resurrected life of revival, miracles, and God’s mighty power, but few want to experience the crucified life first. But no resurrection is possible without there being first a crucifixion.

This, dear friends, is the secret of the revival in China. Do you still want to share in their experiences?

Read more at “Hainan – The Reality of Revival”

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