China’s Neglected People

July 31, 2002

How Do You Reach China’s Neglected?

 Short Term: You have to be a Trailblazer… 

Trailblazers go into specific cities with zero or minimal Christian presence to create a trail of good news.  The light of the gospel is already penetrating the darkness in the countryside, but we are needed to shine the light in the least pioneered places–the cities.

Our mission focus in a city is to discern what God is doing, discover the obstacles and the opportunities for effective ministry, share the gospel and disciple new believers into nurturing small groups.  We then share these results with local community ministries and churches, thus easing the way for those who follow.  He charts the way, He lights the path, and we blaze the trail. 

Long Term:  Developing a Citywide Movement… 

Explore untouched areas of China through frequent mission trips and prayer walks.  Invest ten years multiplying China cities where no one has heard of Jesus Christ.

Challenge churches, ministry groups and individuals to life-changing mission trips.
Establish and build relationships with local community leaders and influencers.
Break through spiritual darkness and cultural barriers using evangelism activities.
Develop and build local city men and women small groups and hosting outreach events. Share personal testimonies and the gospel one-on-one with the leadership community.
Walk beside and teach new Chinese believers how to share their faith with others.
Disciple and teach influencers to be effective witnesses for Christ in their community.
Encourage others to give of their time, talents and treasures to serve the Body of Christ.
Mobilize a prayer network and events in cities through existing believers and ministries.
Establish appropriate organizational and administrative tasks for citywide movements.
Assist with and accelerate the spread of the gospel to reach the leadership community.

What Do We Need: Laborers, Prayer and Financial Support…

Would you prayerfully consider joining us on short-term mission trips to China?
Would you prayerfully consider making a three year commitment to pray for China?
Would you prayerfully consider making a three year commitment of financial support?

Our passion is to unleash the Caleb spirit (Joshua 14:10-12) to reach the Chinese people, to use the trailblazing gifting that the Lord has bestowed upon us and to reach the leadership of the land He prepared us for at such time as this.

We are excited for God’s call to be “trailblazers” and “come over and help” (Acts 16:9-15), as well as for the life changing experience to look into the eyes of these persecuted, least evangelized people in the world, and pray with and for them.  In recent years there has been a lot of interest among mission groups and denominations to move toward global community ministry. That requires at times leaving our comfort zones and letting go to recapture the missionary spirit by working with the leadership in these “neglected harvest fields.”          

“It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.  Rather, as it is written: Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand.” (Romans 15:20-21)