Door of Opportunity

Door of Opportunity

January 10, 2008

 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” (Revelation 3:20)

Millions of entrepreneurs in China would give anything to know what you know.

All across China, new entrepreneurs are eager to put their knowledge to work. But they have no experience. No role models. And most important, no grasp of the Christian values that stand behind America’s unparalleled business success. But that’s about to change with your help and expertise.

Teach What You Know. Picture yourself arriving with your sleeves rolled up and your heart ready. Not to hand out tracts or patch the roof on a local church. But to do what you know and love best: Talk business. 

Whatever your area of expertise is that’s what you’ll teach; either in a seminar setting or in a one-on-one relationship, along with a strong dose of Christian values. Because more than anything else, these people need to understand that without an ethical grounding, a business can make money, but it can never be truly profitable.

Share What You Know. The symposiums are not explicitly evangelistic. If they were, they wouldn’t be welcomed with such open arms. Yet as you work with these budding businessmen and women, you’ll forge deep, personal friendships which inevitably lead to opportunities to plant seeds of faith.  And while you might not be there to watch them grow, someday you will stand before the throne of grace.  You’ll see the fruit of these labors.  And you will be amazed.

How Soon Can You Go?  During the symposium, your accommodations will be excellent. The sightseeing will be wonderful. And, you’ll build a network of valuable business to business connections (all tax deductible). But none of that compares to the joy of applying your hard-earned business skills in a true ministry setting.

The Symposium:  Purpose and Philosophy

Everything we do is focused on one purpose; and that is “to lead the business and community leaders of China into a growing relationship with God.”  Whether it is business development, educational assistance or counseling, everything is focused to this one end.  The symposium is a unique tool, which combines all three of these mechanisms in some form or other.

The symposium is by nature pre-evangelistic in that it provides a context for belief for those who have a world view that is characteristically more atheistic. For those who have a God concept the symposium provides ample opportunity for further interaction and investigation. The schedule and content is carefully crafted to provide for this atmosphere.

Our desire is to provide quality instruction and practical guidance in the area of business development and community leadership, teaching from a Christian world view. Whenever possible we are desirous of making a connection between business in the West and business in China. Our primary aim is being educational and informational, with a view to equipping, encouraging and entrusting others to change their world.

Our approach is to combine education with Biblical morals and ethics. The symposium teaches cultural-historical Christianity and the positive social and personal implications thereof. It encourages the discussion of a biblical moral and ethic as the motivation for how to live life, conduct business and lead people. Our desire is to engage people in ongoing discussion with a view to encouraging positive change in both the individual’s life and society as a whole.

The symposium seeks to be an atmosphere that is relaxed and interactive encouraging honest exchange. The basis for any ongoing connection that may flow from this time of interaction will be to establish personal relationships.  It is our prayerful desire that any relationships established, whether business or personal, will move individuals toward a growing relationship with God and each other.

Philosophy of Leadership Principles  

History is a series of choices followed by consequences. It is determined by the philosophical position of the “choice maker.”  The philosophical position of the “choice maker” is greatly influenced by how he has chosen to organize his impressions of the world around him and his perceived place in it.  It is important that one understand the real world as it is, and not how one wishes to see it. Christianity is the shape of reality. It is a way of understanding why we are here.

It is a world view, a proposition “In the beginning, God….”  It is not primarily a relationship; but a relationship may flow from understanding why one is here. Christianity’s primary concern is how to be a human being….how to live in a distorted and flawed world….how to be more loving, more forgiving and more genuine. Christian faith starts with Truth, and Truth is based in reality. Education concerning the shape of reality has real objective value in and of itself.  There is value in a human being becoming more human.

It is our desire to be involved in pushing back that which would tend to snuff out life; to help people to reclaim a sense of dignity as a human being, one made in the image of God; to engage another person in a discussion of his personal world view thereby encouraging him in his search for Truth; to communicate the truth of historic Biblical Christianity in a way that combines intellectual integrity with practical, loving care.

MISSION:  Lead the business leadership of China into a growing relationship with God.

DISTINCTIVE:  Provide the Western businessperson the opportunity to use the life and professional experience God has afforded them to train Chinese nationals, influencing them toward a growing relationship with God.

STRATEGY:  Conduct business symposiums, promote ministry alliances and establish leadership development and discipleship centers in major population areas.

VISION:  Develop an active, ongoing ministry across China demonstrating applied biblical principles in business and community leadership, and raising up Chinese nationals to carry on marketplace ministries.

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.”  (Titus 2:11-14)