Gift Giving Options

God provides for the ministry of International Ambassadors for Christ through gift giving. Your giving matters. Your incredible generosity is transforming people from the inside out. Your faithful giving is what allows us to fuel our ministry, high-impact services, and events to pour into the lives of Chinese people. God is on the move.

We offer a number of ways for you to give to the ministry of International Ambassadors for Christ (IAfC)…

Cash Gifts by Mail

Please make checks payable to International Ambassadors for Christ and mail to: 2400 Hawks Drive, #213, Batavia, IL 60510-3802 USA. Please do not mail cash.

Online Automatic Bank Pay Gifts

Many banks offer the ability to make payments electronically through their Bill-pay website. Simply login to your bank’s web page and follow the instructions to set up International Ambassadors for Christ as a new payee.

To give via ACH Collections (Automated Clearing House) is a free secure, convenient, simple service. Make a one-time gift or set up a recurring monthly gift. Your gift pledge will be transferred directly each month from your bank account to ours. Each gift transaction will appear on your monthly bank statement making it easy to balance your account. You can enroll at any time, change your designated gift at any time, or cancel your participation at any time. All electronic payments are federally regulated for your protection. At the end of the calendar year you will receive an itemized year end statement from IAfC for tax purpose and matching with your financial records.

We encourage you to prayerfully consider this option because: You will save time, money and postage. Insures your support gets to the field on time. Allows us to operate unhindered when in the harvest fields or on international mission trips. Helps us to greatly reduce administrative processing and printing expenses. It’s a free bank service and you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that your gift arrives on time even when you are on vacation or forgot writing a check. 

Credit Card Gifts

Donate with a debit or credit card to International Ambassadors for Christ via PayPal

*A Note about credit card giving: Many people utilize credit cards in place of checks or cash, paying the balance off in full at the end of every month. For these individuals we offer the option to give via credit card. However, some people carry ongoing credit card debt which is not paid off in full at the end of the month. We believe that a credit card should not be used for any purpose unless you intend to pay off the balance in full each month. If you are not doing this, we strongly discourage you from choosing the credit card option, and instead encourage you to consider ACH Collection option for your gift giving. 

Web Blog Gifts

Donate with a debit or credit card to International Ambassadors for Christ via PayPal
Support China – In His image through Amazon Smile!
Support China – In His image through I Give

Asset-Based Gifts

If you’re like most people, almost all of your wealth is tied up in your assets like stocks, business interests, or real estate, while only a fraction is in cash. And yet, all your giving is coming from that tiny piece of the pie. What if you stopped writing checks and started giving from your wealth instead? Asset-based gifts may include holdings such as stock, real estate, business interests or other personal property. We partnered with National Christian Foundation (NCF) to help process asset-based gifts. This video helps explain how asset-based giving may be beneficial to a donor. If you are considering making a asset-based gift to International Ambassadors for Christ, please contact us via email at

Legacy Gifts

If you wish to include International Ambassadors for Christ in your estate planning we offer a free and simple online tool called My Legacy Planner, which allows individuals in all circumstances and stages of life to review options related to creating a thorough and thoughtful legacy estate plan. My Legacy Planner will not only allow you to assess your current will but also provide you with a thoughtful framework as you prepare to meet with your attorney or financial advisor. This video helps explain how legacy gift giving may be beneficial to a donor. If you are considering making a legacy gift to International Ambassadors for Christ, please contact us via email at

All contributions to International Ambassadors for Christ (IAfC) are income tax deductible and are made with the understanding that IAfC has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. No goods or services were provided by the ministry for these contributions. If we offer books, tapes, or other materials for a suggested donation, we will receipt the amount given above the retail price of the product, plus shipping and handling costs. Our Accountants will receipt all gift donations for tax purposes at the end of each calendar year December 31st

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has determined that International Ambassadors for Christ is tax exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) as a publicly supported nonprofit mission organization incorporated in the State of Illinois.

Thank you…for your support of International Ambassadors for Christ. Through your investment, prayers and partnership you are helping to reach men and women in leadership positions here in Chicago and in China with the Good News of Jesus Christ.  It is an honor and a privilege to work in a ripe and ready harvest with you.

Building Leadership Communities and Citywide Movements