Balanced Nutrition

Balanced Nutrition is another area I made some changes. Insulin is a hormone that directly affects metabolism, weight gain, aging and overall health. Insulin’s effectiveness is affected by unbalanced diets which increase glucose levels and spike insulin levels causing excess glucose to be stored as fat. Unhealthy insulin levels lead to Insulin Resistance, pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, and other serious health conditions including heart disease and Alzheimer’s. Controlling glucose, maintaining healthy insulin levels and eliminating conventional starvation dieting is the secret to lasting weight loss and wellness. 

Why is it so hard to lose weight and keep it off? The truth is, Insulin Resistance and muscle loss are the root problems, but the diet and pharmaceutical industries don’t want to talk about it. Why? Because they make it worse and want you to stay dieting for life. Starving the body for weight loss leads to muscle loss and a slower metabolism. What that means is that you plateau quicker and potentially never reach your goal weight. Worse still when you go off the starvation diet you gain weight back easier and faster. Every time you repeat this cycle your body fat percentage increases, your muscle mass goes down and metabolism gets slower. If you crash diet and lose 50 pounds. 25 pounds lost is fat and 25 lost is muscle. When you gain the weight back, you don’t get the muscle back. You gain 50 pounds of fat. Crash dieting also disrupts the hormones that control weight and increases your risk of serious health conditions. If you have a slow metabolism and gain weight easily it is important that you manage your glucose and insulin levels and avoid or minimize muscle loss during weight loss.

To specifically target cancer metabolism, experts recommend that people with cancer eat and drink a wide variety of foods that provide nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fat, and water. I have begun eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, legumes, and limiting red meat, processed meat, sugar-sweetened drinks, and highly processed foods.

Balanced nutritional food blends will safely and effectively control sugar cravings, hunger, and minimize muscle loss allowing one to feel good and inspired to achieve the desired goal weight through whole-body wellness.