Drinking Alkaline Water

Drinking alkaline water every day in meaningful amounts is the absolute best thing that anybody can do for cancer metabolism. That’s whether you have it or whether you don’t want to get it. In line with the research of Dr. Otto Warburg who spent his life studying cancer and won two Nobel Prize for medicine for his research, cancer is a condition that happens in a low oxygen acidic environment. He firmly believed that cancer could not exist in the presence of high levels of oxygen as you find in an alkaline state. He was a brilliant man, the only human ever offered the Nobel Prize for medicine twice in his lifetime for his research. He also said that acidosis and lack of oxygen are two sides of the same coin, where you have one you always have the other. It is the acid environment low in oxygen that is the breeding ground for all diseases including cancer.

Our body always struggles to maintain an alkaline pH balance in all of the fluids and tissues except your stomach. Our stomach needs to be acidic to digest food and kill bacteria that enter with the food but all other fluids and tissues and cells in the body are meant to be slightly alkaline. When you have enough oxygen and alkaline minerals and water available to maintain an alkaline pH in all of your tissues you enjoy health,  vibrant energy, and longevity. Water plays many vital roles in the function of your body. One of them is to transport not only oxygen but the alkaline minerals needed by the body to neutralize acid waste from the food we eat and the liquids we drink, the air we breathe and the many stresses that we live under. When we don’t have enough alkaline minerals and water available, acid wastes accumulate in the tissues of the body. The more acid waste that accumulates over time the more acidic and lower oxygen levels we have in the tissues, and this is what sets up the environment necessary for any cancer to manifest and flourish. You can maintain an alkaline pH in your tissues by having a very strict diet of organic fruits and vegetables mostly. However most people lack the discipline to do this. Also it can take months and years of discipline to restore an alkaline pH in your body tissues through diet alone.

However since water goes into every single cell in the body there is no faster or more effective way to restore the high oxygen alkaline environment needed for health then to drink alkaline water.  When you restore a high oxygen alkaline pH into a cancer cell it will no longer be a cancer cell because you have introduced an environment not conducive to its existence.  In order to quickly restore the alkaline pH inside a cancer cell you have to first get enough water and oxygen and nutrients into that cell to flush out the toxins and acid wastes that were causing the problem in the first place. This is exactly what drinking alkaline water does for you. Also one of the main problems with the acid environment developing inside the cell is that the cell’s membrane has been damaged by toxins,  acid waste and free radicals. When the membrane is damaged it doesn’t take in water and nutrients minerals and oxygen efficiently and it also doesn’t clean out the acids and waste products as efficiently allowing them to accumulate and changing the pH inside the cell to one that invites cancer and other diseases. All pathogenic diseases require the acidic low oxygen environment to develop and flourish. Alkaline water not only provides ample amounts of oxygen and alkaline minerals and water, but it also provides incredible levels of antioxidants to help heal the damaged membranes. 

As the membranes heal they more efficiently take in the good things and clean out the bad things from inside the cell. This is because alkaline water is micro clustered and hydrates the cells 300% more efficiently than other liquids. Another way in which alkaline water helps in the battle with cancer is it has an incredible ability to detoxify the body on a cellular level. It is the accumulation of toxins and acid wastes that are damaging the cell membrane and promoting the low oxygen acid environment necessary for cancer to flourish. The toxins and acid wastes that accumulate in our bodies over our lifetimes have a positive electrostatic charge and alkaline water has a negative electrostatic charge. In nature opposites attract so just like the North and South pole of a magnet are attracted to each other the negative charge of alkaline water is attracted to the positive charge of toxins and acid wastes and binds to them and pulls them out of the body just like a magnet.  In fact there is nothing in the world more effective at detoxifying the body on a cellular level than alkaline water. This is especially important if a person had the misfortune of being exposed to the terribly toxic effects of chemotherapy. Alkaline water will help detoxify the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the brain, the blood, and all tissues in the body that have been exposed to the chemotherapy or radiation.

Another way in which alkaline water is beneficial in the fight against cancer metabolism is that ultimately it is our own immune system that will defeat cancer. Alkaline water greatly enhances the effectiveness of our immune system. It does this in many ways but one of the most important is in the way that it cleanses the intestines. The level of good bacteria in our gut has a profound influence on our overall health and the strength and effectiveness of our immune system. Alkaline water cleanses the colon and helps establish an environment that promotes the flourishing of the good bacteria and discourages the proliferation of the bad bacteria. This dramatically improves the strength of our immune system which allows it to fight the cancer metabolism more effectively.

What alkaline water does is it helps restore the proper pH balance and deliver the nutrients and oxygen and provide the antioxidants and the ability to detoxify that are necessary for the body to fully use its innate ability to heal itself. It is the body with the assistance of the immune system that cures disease not the water.  The body has an incredible innate ability to self-heal. It does this by repairing damaged cells and producing new healthy cells. In order for the body to effectively heal it must be alkaline, it must be well hydrated, and it must be detoxified. The body simply cannot effectively heal itself when it is acidic toxic and dehydrated. Nothing in the world is more effective at hydrating the body on a cellular level than drinking alkaline water. Nothing in the world is more effective at alkalizing the body on a cellular level than drinking alkaline water and nothing in the world is more effective at detoxifying the body on a cellular level than drinking alkaline water.