Tag Archives: catholic priests

Catholic Priests Reeducation

China arrested several Catholic priests and students and sent them to “political sessions” for reprogramming as part of the Communist leadership’s crackdown on religious activity.

Approximately 100 policemen surrounded a factory that served as a seminary and arrested 7 priests and 10 students. The arrests occurred on May 20 in the city of Xinxiang in the Henan province. The arrests took place just days before a week of prayer was scheduled to begin on May 23.

One day after the arrests, Chinese authorities took the bishop of Xinxiang, 63-year-old Joseph Zhang Weizhu, into custody. The government made the arrests under new regulations that require any Catholic leaders to register with the government before conducting services. The bishop and other arrestees were operating illegally without registering with the Communist Party’s database of Catholic priests in the country.

The Chinese government does not recognize the Apostolic Prefecture of Xinxiang, of which the Catholic priests and students are members. The Apostolic Prefecture has been in operation for decades. Several “underground” bishops, appointed by the Vatican but not approved by the Chinese government, including Zhang Weizhu, operate under the threat of arrest. Zhang Weizhu has been arrested on a number of occasions for his defiance of the government.

Read more at “Xinxiang, Bishop, seven priests and 10 seminarians arrested”

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Vatican and China

Vatican and China Renew Their Agreement
Massimo Introvigne

The Holy See admits that “extremely painful situations” are not solved, but claims it is too early to assess the effects of the deal.

With a short press release, the Vatican informed that the secret agreement with China was renewed the same day it expired, October 22, 2020, for an additional period of two years.

A comment appeared in the Vatican daily “L’Osservatore Romano,” claiming it is too early to assess the long-term effects of the deal, and that the COVID-19 crisis paralyzed several local and national situations.

The article mentioned the opposition by “some sector of international politics,” alluding to the United States, and answered that the agreement is religious rather than political.

The Holy See, it said, regards the fact that today in China there are no longer “schismatic” bishops, as all the bishops of the Catholic Patriotic Association are in communion with the Pope, as a religiously significant result.

The text also acknowledges that “extremely painful situations” remain among Chinese Catholics, that the Chinese government should “guarantee a better exercise of religious liberty,” and that the path that may lead to real progress risks to be “long and difficult.”

It is an allusion to the conscientious objectors who refuse to join the “Catholic Patriotic Association.” While not encouraging them, the Vatican stated in 2019 that they should be “respected.” Instead, they are harassed and jailed.

The text of the agreement remains secret.

The former bishop of Hong Kong, Cardinal Joseph Zen, has labeled the Vatican’s extended deal with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) a “complete defeat” for faithful Catholics.

“With the protection of this agreement, the government forced the people from the underground to join the Patriotic Association… which is objectively schismatic,” Cardinal Joseph Zen told AFP this week, adding that the underground community has “practically disappeared” as a result. “That’s not victory, that’s a defeat — complete defeat,” Cardinal Zen said.

On Thursday, the Holy See Press Office announced the renewal of the 2018 Sino-Vatican agreement on the appointment of bishops for another two years, citing its “great ecclesial and pastoral value.”

Earlier this year, Cardinal Zen declared that while the Vatican seeks compromise with the CCP, they want “complete surrender.” In his ongoing criticism of the Vatican’s rapprochement with the CCP, Zen has insisted that Pope Francis is “naïve” in dealing with a country about which he knows little.

“The pope doesn’t know much about China. And he may have some sympathy for the Communists, because in South America, the Communists are good guys, they suffer for social justice,” Zen told the Catholic News Agency (CNA). “But not the Chinese Communists. They are persecutors.”

“So the situation is, humanly speaking, hopeless for the Catholic Church: Because we can always expect the Communists to persecute the Church, but now [faithful Catholics] don’t get any help from the Vatican,” he said.

“The Vatican is helping the government, surrendering, giving everything into their hands,” Zen said. Last December, Zen said that the pope’s policies in dealing with the CCP are “killing” the underground Church in that country.

“Unfortunately, my experience of my contact with the Vatican is simply disastrous,” the cardinal said, noting his particular distress over the Vatican’s deal with Beijing.

“A secret agreement, being so secret you can’t say anything,” Zen said of the deal. “We don’t know what is in it. Then the legitimization of the seven excommunicated bishops. That’s incredible, simply incredible.”

“But even more incredible is the last act: the killing of the underground,” he said.

Vatican Rejects CCP’s Claim that Underground Catholics Should Join the Patriotic Church
Unregistered Catholics Told to Obey CCP or Face Consequences
Pressure Mounts on Fuzhou’s Catholic Conscientious Objectors
Catholic Priest Detained for Plans to Discuss Proposed China-Vatican Agreement

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