Tag Archives: forced labor

Forced Labor in Xinjiang

A damming report by the UN Special Rapporteur for contemporary forms of slavery brings fresh hope to the Uyghur community.

A top UN official has confirmed Uyghurs are being forced to work against their will in Xinjiang, provoking fury and fresh denials from Beijing.

The independent UN expert,

A damming report by the UN Special Rapporteur for contemporary forms of slavery brings fresh hope to the Uyghur community.

A top UN official has confirmed Uyghurs are being forced to work against their will in Xinjiang, provoking fury and fresh denials from Beijing.

The independent UN expert, Tomoya Obokata, Special Rapporteur for contemporary forms of slavery, released the damning verdict that forced labor in Xinjiang, amounted to “enslavement, as a crime against humanity.”

Read more at “UN Rapporteur Confirms: It’s Enslavement, a Crime Against Humanity.”

, Special Rapporteur for contemporary forms of slavery, released the damning verdict that forced labor in Xinjiang, amounted to “enslavement, as a crime against humanity.”

Read more at “UN Rapporteur Confirms: It’s Enslavement, a Crime Against Humanity.”

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Forced Labor

Despite official denials, the policy is not only continuing. In fact, it is accelerating, as Adrian Zenz’s research shows.

How many farmers given the choice would prefer the four walls of a sweat shop sewing Nike trainers in a city far from home? How many traditional housewives and mothers would rather their children be brought up by strangers while they sew collars on shirts on a production line for Western fashion brands?

Read more at “Forced Labor Is Set to Stay in the Uyghur Heartland”

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Uyghur Forced Labor

Lords outvoted the government, once again. The battle to prevent National Health Service from purchasing Xinjiang-made PPE continues.

Rebellious ping pong played out in UK parliamentary ranks has overturned for the second time the government’s plan to softly tackle the taint of modern slavery in the NHS. This week, ministers were outvoted 177 to 135 by campaigning Lords who pushed for more robust measures to rid supply chains entirely from forced labor.

Read more at “UK and the Uyghur Forced Labor: Another Day, Another Place, Another Clause, Another Vote”

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Uyghur Forced Labor

Despite Beijing’s denials, the U.N. agency found evidence of slave labor and even torture.

China’s forced labor practices have been spotlighted in a damning investigation that found “extraordinary hardship, coercion, and physical and psychological torture” at the heart of its treatment of Xinjiang Uyghurs.

Despite identical abuses uncovered in 2020 and 2021, Beijing continues to ignore world outrage, deny abuse, and persist in presiding over labor irregularities that have seen almost two million Uyghurs and Turkic people sent across Xinjiang and inner China to work against their will, according to the United Nation’s International Labor Organization’s (ILO) latest annual report.

Read more at “Uyghur Forced Labor Condemned by United Nations’ International Labor Organization”

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