Tag Archives: rape

Torture and Rape

To stop me from telling the truth about its crimes, the Party is trying to manipulate my ex-husband and my sister to get me back to China.

If you read this magazine, you probably know who I am. My husband, Turarbek Kusainov, wrote a biographical essay about me, based on true facts about the humiliation and violence I had been subjected to from the Chinese Communists, including torture and rape. It was published in Bitter Winter on February 7, 2022, and is, in fact, a small book. The book includes the story of my difficult relationship with my abusive ex-husband, Khassen Sagatzhan, and of the terrible year I spent when I was detained in East Turkestan (Ch. Xinjiang) by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Read more at “I Exposed Torture and Rape in the Xinjiang Camps: The CCP Wants Me Back”

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Rape, Forced Prostitution

Survivors believe this is a deliberate strategy to humiliate both female and male Muslims in Xinjiang. Uyghurs are being exposed to a catalogue of psychological harm as they run the gauntlet of China’s crackdown in their homeland.

As international experts, journalists and activists gathered last week in the UK’s northern city of Newcastle, home of CAP-sanctioned Jo Smith Finlay, for a landmark conference to debate the so-called Genocide of the Uyghur people, the mental and spiritual trauma suffered by not only those at home but the tens of thousands stranded exiles overseas was high on the agenda.

Read more at “Rape, Forced Prostitution of Uyghur and Kazakh Women”

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