Bible Doctrine

“complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” (Philippians 2:2)

How do we know the Bible is God’s Word? What is sin and where did it come from? How is Jesus fully God and fully man? What are spiritual gifts? When and how will Christ return? If you’ve asked questions like these, then “systematic theology” is no abstract term. It’s an approach to finding answers every Christian needs to know. The second edition of Bible Doctrine takes a widely used upper-level textbook on systematic theology and makes it accessible. Abridged from the second edition of Wayne Grudem’s award-winning Systematic Theology, Bible Doctrine covers the same essentials of the faith, giving you a firm grasp on seven key topics:

  • The Doctrine of the Word of God
  • The Doctrine of God
  • The Doctrine of Man
  • The Doctrine of Christ
  • The Doctrine of the Application of Redemption
  • The Doctrine of the Church
  • The Doctrine of the Future.

You don’t need to have had several years of Bible college or seminary training to reap the benefits of Bible Doctrine. It’s easy to understand and packed with biblical answers to your most pressing theological questions. The Bible presents clear, easy-to-understand answers about doctrinal teachings, so why do Christians argue about it?

The Bible is an incredible book, filled with all the information you need to know about what it teaches? The Bible is not shy when it comes to eternal security, faith versus works, suicide, the rapture, the Revelation, and all that deep stuff.

Let’s look at some clearly defined Bible teachings and doctrines, so clear that you’d have to work pretty hard to mess it up. Yet people do and people will in spite of God laying it all out in easy-to-read sixth grade level English. The Bible will also tell you why you argue with other Christians in direct disobedience to the scripture calling you not to.

Why is Christian doctrine so divisive?

Why are Christians always arguing?