Chocolate Soldiers

All throughout the Scriptures we read about how God used people to accomplish His purposes on this earth. We read countless accounts of God transforming normal people into warriors for His kingdom. Often the Bible mentions such people in passing, such as, “All these were descendants of Asher heads of families, choice men, brave warriors and outstanding leaders. The number of men ready for battle, as listed in their genealogy, was 26,000.” (1 Chronicles 7:40).

Strangely, in some churches today Jesus Christ is portrayed as an oversensitive, weak man. While Jesus is symbolized as a lamb, we should not forget that He is also symbolized as a lion! The Jesus who gently played with little children and gathered them to his lap also made a whip and caused a riot in the temple courts. Jesus is tough, manly, noble, and the personification of courage. He is a warrior of the highest rank, the Commander in Chief of the Lord’s armies, the One with fire in his eyes and a double-edged sword in his hand. Millions of Christian women around the world are lamenting the absence of strong and godly Christian men in the Church. Jesus is too.

God wants more warriors in His Church. He is looking for people who are serious about Him, who are strong in character and integrity, and who are disciplined like a soldier. Did you know that “the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war.” (2 Chronicles 16:9). In China I have known many courageous men and women of God. They have been so overwhelmed by the love of God, that they have no hesitation in dedicating the rest of their lives to do whatever it takes, and whatever it costs, to see as many people as possible to come to know Jesus.

Caleb was one man who had a warrior spirit in him. He was not just a physical warrior, but all of his battles were also fought in the spiritual realm as he had to deal with numerous situations requiring the Lord’s wisdom and guidance. The spirit of a warrior is not dimmed by age or time. Even near the end of his life, Caleb declared, “Now then, just as the Lord promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then.” (Joshua 14:10-11).

Often preachers talk about how God wants to “raise up an army,” but in many parts of the Bible we see that God was first and foremost interested in raising up an individual, and from that individual came great deliverance for God’s people. We can see this in His dealings with Moses, Noah, David, Elijah, Jeremiah, Paul, and so on. Quantity is never as important to God as quality. He doesn’t need an army of people to accomplish His purposes. Just a few obedient servants with the anointing of the Holy Spirit on their lives can bring about great things for the kingdom of God.

In the Book of Judges we find a wonderful story of how God routed the Midianites with quality, rather than with quantity. God had told Gideon to strike down the Midianites (Judges 6:16). A large army mobilized to fight against the enemy forces, but God surprised Gideon by announcing, “You have too many men. I cannot deliver Midian into their hands, or Israel would boast against me, ‘My own strength has saved me.’ Now announce to the army, ‘Anyone who trembles with fear may turn back and leave Mount Gilead.’” So twenty-two thousand men left, while ten thousand remained.” (Judges 7:2-3). Twenty-two thousand soldiers turned back that day. Be careful not to miss the reason why God wanted to shrink this army to a smaller size. He was concerned that Israel might boast that their own strength had saved them once the victory was completed. Our God has declared, “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.” (Isaiah 42:8).

Gideon’s original army of 32,000 men had decreased by more than two-thirds, but God was not finished. By observing whether the men knelt down and drank water from the spring of Harod with their hands, or lapped it up like dogs, God refined the number of eligible soldiers down to a paltry 300! To the natural mind this situation was hopeless. How could 300 men defeat the entire Midianite army that was boldly arrayed against it? To God, however, this represented no problem at all, for “Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few” (1 Samuel 14:6). If we could just catch a glimpse of His power and greatness we would never be the same again! When the Lord is involved, He “will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.” (Deuteronomy 28:7). Moses asked, “How could one man chase a thousand, or two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, unless the Lord had given them up? For their rock is not like our Rock, as even our enemies concede.” (Deuteronomy 32:30-31).

Child of God, do you have a glimpse of how great Jesus is in your life? Do not be afraid of the devil, for He is merely like a dog on a leash. God allows the devil to attack us from time to time to keep us sharp, but he can never destroy us, for “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4). The Lord Jesus said of his followers, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” (John 10:28-30). God is calling for disciples who are steadfast warriors of the Gospel. They may not look like warriors on the outside, but that is not what matters. What matters is what can be found on the inside, for the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7).

There are many Christians today who look like warriors for the Lord on the outside, but in reality they are chocolate soldiers, about whom the Bible says, “If you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength!” (Proverbs 24:10). A chocolate soldier outwardly looks the same as a real soldier until the heat comes on him. All of a sudden he starts to feel uneasy, fear takes control, and he melts into a pile. A chocolate soldier looks strong while conditions are favorable, but when he is placed under pressure he collapses because he is empty inside. Jesus talked about a man who received the seed of the Word of God with joy, “But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.” (Matthew 13:21). The reality is that we are all chocolate soldiers until Jesus starts to build a solid foundation in our life. One of the key components to developing godly character and resolve in our life is persecution. Paul wrote, “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” (Romans 5:3-4), and “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13).

The Lord Jesus taught His disciples the benefits of “standing firm” in the face of opposition: “You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10:22); and “Stand firm, and you will win life.” (Luke 21:19). We are exhorted to “Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:3). If you want to be a warrior for Jesus Christ, you will first need to submit to God and allow Him to build character, perseverance, endurance, patience, hope and courage into your life. These attributes are given to those who desire to serve the Lord, “so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:17).

The Lord Jesus wants to develop a holy stubbornness inside of you—one that refuses to buckle to Satan or compromise with the world. He wants to train you up as a true soldier for the Gospel, and not a “chocolate soldier” who melts with fear when placed under pressure. Stand up right now and call on the Lord Jesus to change you from being a chocolate soldier to one who will “Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 2:3).

As you begin to serve God wholeheartedly as a soldier of Jesus Christ, you will need living water to flow and refresh you and your colleagues in battle. The Bible contains a powerful story of how God sent water to save the combined armies of Judah and Israel as they went to fight against the Moabites. To reach the battle, the armies marched through the Desert of Edom. The harsh conditions took a toll, and “So the king of Israel set out with the king of Judah and the king of Edom. After a roundabout march of seven days, the army had no more water for themselves or for the animals with them.” (2 Kings 3:9). The parched Israelites stopped in a valley and sent messengers to ask Elisha what they should do. Elisha replied, “this is what the Lord says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink. This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord; he will also deliver Moab into your hands.” (2 Kings 3:17-18).

Even if you find yourself in a spiritual desert, and hear death knocking at your door, God is able to send a flow of His living water to you. There is nowhere on earth that God cannot reach you. Even though the armies were stuck in the middle of a barren desert, “The next morning, about the time for offering the sacrifice, there it was—water flowing from the direction of Edom! And the land was filled with water.” (2 Kings 3:20).

This was not a small trickle of water that God sent to help His warriors. It seems it was more like a large lake, because the next morning the Moabites saw the reflection of the rising sun in the water from a distance, and thought it was a huge pool of blood. They raced down to collect the plunder only to be routed by the Israelites. As you enter the battle against

Satan and his forces, God’s living water will give you the edge you need to rout the enemy. Stand firm, and don’t become like a “chocolate soldier.” There will be times during the battle when you will desperately need God’s intervention. You should stop and seek the Lord, and He will provide living water to refresh and invigorate you.

“Chocolate Soldiers” is chapter 19 of the book “Living Water” by Brother Yun. If you have not yet read this life-changing book, you can order it for $15 (including postage) from Asia Harvest. The e-book edition and audio book is also available from Amazon.