Praying for Missionaries

Language. Culture. Customs. Finances. Housing. Visas. Homesickness. These are only some of the many challenges that missionaries face today. But at the top of every missionary’s list when asked how to help is “the need for prayer.” 

Missionaries need prayer more than ever before. The obstacles they face in bringing the gospel to the world are tremendous, and it is only by God’s power that they overcome them.

From the Deaf communities of Africa to the Mongolian people of Russia and Outer Mongolia, to the Asian-Pacific Rim islanders, to the Aegean Turks of Turkey, our missionaries are reaching people groups in remote and unreached places all over the world with the love of God, and they desperately need our prayers.

You may not be able to cross oceans or break language barriers, but your participation in ministry as a “prayer warrior” is every bit as important and needed.

In Matthew 24, Jesus told His disciples that “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” He later commissioned them to go into all the world and share the message of salvation.

“Please pray for us!” is the plea of missionaries all over the world. That’s because they recognize it is only through God’s power that they can overcome the obstacles they face and break through darkness with the light of the gospel. 

Praying for missionaries is one of the best things we can do—not just for their sake, but for ours. When we pray for missionaries, our thoughts are focused on the spiritual needs of people groups all over the world, and our hearts are aligned with God’s desire to give them abundant life. By doing so, it will ignite a desire to make it an ongoing habit. If you can spare a few moments each day to lift up the needs of men and women who are bringing the gospel to unreached areas, we would be so grateful! 

How can the whole world hear the gospel unless someone is sent to preach to them the good news of Jesus Christ? Who will stand in the gap to reach the unreached? Missionaries are the answer. It’s our purpose and privilege to equip and send missionaries to those people groups and locations where Christ is largely unknown. You’ll be praying for some of these exceptional men and women! Through your prayers, you join with missionaries as a crucial part of a team to share the love of Jesus with the world. Your prayers are more valuable than you might realize!

On behalf of the missionaries that you will be praying for, thank you! God bless you.