The Civil Rights Movement

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’” Martin Luther King Jr. spoke these words on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Aug. 28, 1963. Over 200,000 people descended on Washington, D.C., that day in what became the famous “March on Washington.” It was a mass protest in support of civil rights and furthering equality in the United States. The “I Have a Dream” speech became the battle cry for civil rights ever since.

Yet the civil rights movement is not everything it seems. This noble cause was hijacked by some who wanted to destroy the United States. While many participants believed in helping black Americans have a better future, the movement was diabolically infiltrated to further another agenda. This shocking truth was first exposed when America was undergoing a Communist infiltration following World War II. The Communists successfully infiltrated higher education, the government and every key institution in the country with the goal of bringing down the country from the inside. One of their most influential and effective hijackings was of the civil rights movement.

Black Americans have suffered a great deal. Even after slavery was abolished, major injustices continued for decades. Two reasons why American slavery was particularly heinous: “It denied them education, and denied them normal family life.” This caused tremendous suffering and was a huge hurdle for them to overcome. Their treatment caused resentment toward white Americans, and many white Americans had a prejudice that took time to change. As the Supreme Court began to strike down unequal laws, people began to take action themselves in the form of protests, sit-ins and marches. A consequential step was the formation of community organizations to direct these protesting efforts. This solidified control of the movement in the hands of a few key individuals. These community organizers would come to wield massive amounts of power.

The first was Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Montgomery Improvement Association” formed in 1955 following the arrest of Rosa Parks. Others were the “Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee” and the “National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.” Later on, King established the “Southern Christian Leadership Conference.” They coordinated legal challenges, media relations, events and protests. It was these organizations that the Communists targeted for infiltration.

What started off as a peaceful movement for change in the 1950s quickly became a call for violent revolution in the 1960s. Instead of pursuing nonviolent actions, many civil rights leaders advocated for “race” war. Students were rioting on campuses and people were being killed in the streets on both sides. This fast-spreading hatred in black hearts for whites began to gain many advantages.  In most cases these riots and student uprisings were deliberately planned, intentionally provoked, and well organized. It became somewhat normal to cry “Communist” as a dirty epithet—a non-specific accusation against any person or group one doesn’t like.

The Communist movement operates in ways most people do not recognize. It is well organized and efficient. It injects trained Communists into many movements and societies—themselves not Communist—and subtly influences them into moves and actions that secretly are Communist-planned and directed. Yet the officers, and most members of such organizations are not, themselves, Communist and do not realize they are being used. Today’s Communists appear on college and university campuses, under the guise of “the new Leftist Movement.” The student revolt movement, exploding on so many campuses into violence, is actually a carefully planned, and expertly organized effort to overthrow the governments of nations! These Communist community organizers promoted an agenda to destroy the United States! Most of the participants were well meaning and believed in making a better country, but they were used by their diabolical leaders.

Communists believe in class warfare to overthrow the existing government. The civil rights movement was the start of the “race war” as a replacement for “class warfare.” Some of these Communists were behind the scenes; others, out in the spotlight. One of the most influential was Bayard Rustin. In the mid-1950s Rustin became a close adviser to the civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., and he was the principal organizer of King’s “Southern Christian Leadership Conference.” Rustin later was the chief architect of the “March on Washington.” Rustin was a Marxist. A leading strategist in the struggle for racial equality, he was an openly gay, black former Communist who had done time in prison as a conscientious objector during World War II. While King made some inspiring speeches, his right-hand man was an avowed Communist.

Another was Stokely Carmichael, who joined the “Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee” in 1964 and became chair in 1966. Carmichael is the one who coined the phrase “black power,” which was the battle cry for the black militant Marxist movement. Perhaps the most openly extreme was Malcolm X. He broke away from the “Black Muslims”, flared up violently, and soon became the X Malcolm. Openly advocating violence, Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown appeared. The television networks gave them liberally “nationwide” free time, treating their screaming demands for violence as legitimate news while “Black Power” gained momentum.

These Communists used the media very effectively to stir up “racial hatred!” That propaganda is a hallmark of Communist tactics and continues to this day through “critical race theory.” These men gained control and used these organizations to attack the U.S. While some landmark legislation did make life better for black Americans, the legacy of racial violence, ideology of a black revolution, and the method of community organizing inspired a new generation of radical leaders to continue the war. It is not cold war. It is hot war, Communist style. It is the old, old strategy of divide and conquer.

The civil rights era might seem like history, but it is still having an impact on everything happening today, because it laid the groundwork for a “race war” in the United States. This Communist war has not ended. After that generation of revolutionaries, they waited for another leader to finish the job. In 1991 they found one. Barack Obama graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991. The New York Times recently unearthed a manuscript by a graduating Obama and economics professor Robert Fisher. The 250-page manuscript, titled “Transformative Politics”, outlines how the U.S. could be transformed. The Times wrote: “With the right strategy, he argued, Democrats could engineer a political realignment that would begin a new chapter in the country’s history.”

As a young man, Obama’s politics and philosophy were shaped by prominent Communists. Obama wanted to “fundamentally change” the United States. To achieve this political realignment, he turned to the Communist infiltrators of the civil rights movement.

“The modern version had its origins in the left wing of the civil rights movement, where it was most forcefully defended by Bayard Rustin,” the Times wrote.”But in the aftermath of Lyndon Johnson’s landslide 1964 reelection, Mr. Rustin decided the country was ready for a radical push. According to him, abolishing formal segregation was just the first stage of the battle for civil rights. Securing true equality now demanded a campaign to overhaul the American economy and lift up workers of all races. Change at this scale required overwhelming public backing. The fruits of that education were on display in Transformative Politics. Written during Mr. Obama’s final semester, the manuscript updated Bayard Rustin for the age of Ronald Reagan.”

Obama took the community organizing and Communist strategies of the civil rights infiltrators and updated them for modern times. This approach has had alarming success. While Obama was in the White House, he purposely stirred up “racial strife”, just as the Communist agitators did in the 1960s. Obama repeatedly made public remarks on racially charged issues, remarks that increased people’s mistrust of the police and eroded faith in the justice system. He said things that were provably false but that played well to racist radicals. At one point Obama said “racism” is part of America’s DNA. That means the nation is irredeemably racist. Such ugly, racist remarks are filling the country with hatred and division that will lead to violence and race war.

Ezekiel 5:12 prophesies that one third of all Americans will die from race war and national civil war! The Communists in the civil rights movements wanted that outcome, and Obama has moved it to the brink. It is even worse today. We are now living in the America envisioned by Communists like Rustin, Carmichael and Obama. It is a nation that is under bitter affliction. 2 Kings 14:26-27 prophesied that in these last days America would suffer from “bitter affliction” caused by a Communist force trying to blot out the Constitution and biblical principles that underpin the country. This attack has been 70 years in the making. This infiltration hijack the civil rights movement. Barack Obama is the embodiment of that infiltration as he fulfills the “dreams of his Communist fathers.”

In summary, what the Bible teaches about the civil rights movement is this: “it should never have been necessary.” Beginning with the kidnapping and chattel slavery of millions, on through the hateful attitudes that prevented neighbors from using the same drinking fountain, the attitudes and actions that led to a culture where the civil rights movement became necessary were all categorically unbiblical. Christianity and civil rights should go hand in hand. Discrimination based on race or skin color has no place in the Christian worldview.

To begin with, the practice of slavery that introduced millions of Africans to the American South was completely unscriptural and UN-Christian. Exodus 21:16 says, “Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper’s possession.” Several thousand years later, Paul equated kidnapping with lawlessness and rebellion against God’s order. (1 Timothy 1:8-10) The New Testament admonitions for slaves to be submissive to their masters does not justify the actions of traders, slave owners, or the government and society that procured and treated slaves in ways directly contrary to Scripture.

After the slaves in America were emancipated, ungodly attitudes and actions toward them continued. There is nothing scriptural about racial prejudice (Galatians 3:28), unfair business practices (Proverbs 20:10), forced segregation within the Christian body (Galatians 3:29), or murder (Exodus 20:13). But human sin continued to shape an abusive society for a hundred years after the slaves were freed. The goal of the civil rights movement was good and biblical—ensure fair rights and equal treatment for all. Any action that worked against this goal, therefore, has to be considered unbiblical. The Bible not only forbids favor for specific people groups, it forbids unfair treatment of anyone (James 2:1-7).

Thanks to the non-violent policies of many of the civil rights leaders, much of the work toward civil rights was biblical. Free speech is granted to all Americans, and reminding a government and a culture of their constitutional and spiritual responsibilities is good and right. The tremendous effort and patience of civil rights activists to work within local and national legal systems is a great example of positively changing a God-given authority from within. The Freedom Riders, activists who rode buses to challenge states’ segregation laws, were also lawful because the previous year the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled in Boynton v. Virginia that racial segregation on public transportation violated the Interstate Commerce Act. Their endurance through physical attacks and prison is a classic example of 1 Peter 2:20 in action.

At the core of “civil rights” is the God-ordained value of each individual. Every person is made in the image of God. When nations recognize civil rights, they recognize the equality of all mankind. The civil rights movement in twentieth-century America can, for the most part, be considered a good example of encouraging a nation to embody more biblical standards.