What is a Real Man

Someone once described a real man as “a steel hand in a velvet glove.” A masculine man sets his mind to attain the steel qualities of sound character, rock-solid confidence and strength. He is an unselfish, stable, dominant (although not domineering) and decisive leader. Yet, he is unafraid to develop the velvet traits of humility, attentiveness, gentleness and refinement.

In short, a masculine man strives to live as Jesus Christ did! True masculinity starts in the mind. It requires, above all, a balanced perspective on life. A positive, upbeat outlook is the first thing you notice in a truly masculine guy. He has a “can do” attitude and is eager to accept challenges and responsibility. He is not egotistical or arrogant—yet, he doesn’t put himself down or worry excessively about what others think of him.

A real man allows God to use and develop what talents he has been given, not coveting or envying those with different abilities. He cheerfully refuses to compare or judge his worth by the accomplishments or positions of others. This attitude of balance, combined with acceptance of your circumstances, will forge strength of character. It will pump your mental “biceps” and add joy to your life. With God as the focus of your life, you will find a new kind of self-esteem. Far from being based on human abilities, this godly self-esteem arises from the knowledge that a Christian “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13). This knowledge, coupled with experience and practice, gradually replaces the negative, non-masculine traits of needless fear, painful inferiority complexes and envy.

The masculine man knows how to express both joy and pain. Know this: Real men do cry—when it is appropriate to do so. They don’t hide their emotions like the stereotypical “strong, silent types” do, but control their tempers and are skilled in the art of diplomacy. A real man has strong conviction, which produces a non-compromising attitude. He can take correction and is not destroyed by criticism. A masculine guy doesn’t cave in under stress and pressure. He has the “guts” and mental fortitude to abstain from drunkenness, extramarital sex, illicit drug use and the sundry other vices that tempt him. A real man faces challenges straight on and is alert to new opportunities. People around him sense a winning spirit of right leadership.

You can begin developing and exercising these masculine traits now! You can look to the Bible, God’s inspired instruction manual for right living, and discover real men who had the courage to make history! Now is the time to strengthen yourself in the gym of life by applying the qualities of a real man below. Examining these areas will help in building a solid foundation for real success as you take your place in society, accepting the challenge and responsibility inherent in true manhood.

Life itself is a tremendous responsibility. To find the real purpose is an obligation every male has. Don’t be satisfied to sit back and be weak or effeminate. Set your course; be a man!